Recording Public meetings

Best way to record town and parish council public meetings

Sounds easy doesn’t it? but producing good quality recordings from your town or village hall with  a handful of members and a few visitors is surprisingly challenging.  Mobile phones are all equipped with microphones and recording software, but relying on this approach is unlikely to pick up sound from everyone, so external microphones are required.

recording kitOur experimentation has shown that the best solution involves using 2 or 3 powered microphones connected to a simple audio mixer. Our version includes individual volume controls too.

Connecting the mixer to the phone or tablet requires a special cable as a signal is required to turn off the internal microphone.

The Audiominutes recording kit is supplied in an aluminium lockable flight case.

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Audio Recording Kit PDF

Audiominutes Lite

Now you’ve found the best way to record your meetings,  you might want to webcast the audio live and then publish the audio online.
With the competitively priced Audiominutes Lite service, you can upload the agenda of the forthcoming meeting, then record  the meeting and ‘tag’ each agenda item at the time so that later, when you publish the meeting on your micro-site, then listeners can jump straight to item they are interested in from the pull-down menu.  Instructions can be found here.

With the Audiominutes system, you can see how many listeners you have had and, if desired, integrate your Twitter account to launch tweets automatically as each item is reached or at the start and end of the meeting.