Cost effective engagement with your community
Audiominutes now supports video too, and makes it easy to webcast public meetings over the Internet and present recordings for later playback or review. Our flexible approach allows clients to choose the package that meets their needs. Audiominutes operates using a typical broadband connection, requires minimal intervention and no specialist skills.
We stream your public meetings live (video and audio)We publish and archive your previous meetings
We link to your content management system so you don’t have to
We tweet your followers when each agenda item begins
You control streaming from your tablet or browser
You pause and resume streaming when required
You tag Agenda items during the meeting so, later, people can find what they want
Our simple approach to video and audio-only webcasting
We focuss on reducing the workload for the person running the meeting. Our video and audio streaming options deliver increased engagement with your community at modest cost.
Pricing model to suit smaller authorities (Town and Parish Councils)
Supports streaming directly from MS Team, Zoom, Webex etc
Minimal set-up costs.
No additional staff required.
Success Stories
Uttlesford District Council have helped develop the Audiominutes system. Cllr Eric Hicks, Uttlesford District Council said “I should say how impressed I was with the sound reproduction and clarity. The ‘jump-to’ drop-down menu was so helpful also. Great job!” Uttlesford’s live stream page and meetings archive can be found here.

Uttlesford District Council
Basildon Borough Council have opted for Audiominutes running on a Lenovo A10, connected via a mobile SIM to satisfy their audio webcasting requirements.
Basildon Borough Council
We piloted a video system several years ago but this proved too expensive to maintain – in contrast, this audio system allows us to keep the cost of improving the accessibility of public meetings very low.

Essex County Council
Chichester were initially undecided as to whether they should adopt video or audio webcasting, and after a number of debates, went with audio due to its simplicity and low cost.

Chichester District Council
London Borough of Tower Hamlets has chosen to use Audiominutes to improve the transparency and accessibility of their council meetings, for their residents.